Saturday, December 6, 2014

The Civil Rights Movement

Welcome to the new unit on the Civil Rights Movement--an important movement in U.S. History that still shapes our society today.

You will be a reporter, teaching other students about important events during this time period.

Visit the following dictionaries and find the meaning of the following terms. Write the meaning in your content area notebooks.
 Yourdictionary , Merriam Dictionary , The Free Dictionary

Jim Crow Laws
Civil Rights 

Choose 4 topics from the list below to research:

Brown vs. Board of Education, Topeka: Click Here

Rosa Parks and the Montgomery:    Click Here

Freedom Riders:  Click Here

Little Rock Nine:  Click Here

Bloody Sunday: Click Here                             

Martin Luther King Jr. “I have a Dream” speech: Click Here 

Rosa Parks (Fighting for Integration on Busses): Click Here

Greenboro Sit-Ins: Click Here

For each topic you will write information that tell:
  • ·         What happened?
  • ·         Where and when did it happen?
  • ·         Key people involved?
  • ·         Why did it happen?
  • ·         Who was affected by the event?         


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