Monday, December 2, 2013

      Exploring the Concept of Manifest Destiny

We've often mentioned the term Manifest Destiny throughout this unit on Westward Expansion without really digging deeper to really understand what it really means.

Today, your group will first explore the idea of Manifest Destiny by analyzing 5 paintings here . Click on the paintings to enlarge them. As you examine the paintings, jot down in bullet form your responses to the following questions in your content area notebooks:

1. What do all 5 paintings have in common? Why?

2. What are the paintings trying to show the viewer?

3. Based on your studies in the Westward Expansion unit, reexamine the painting "American Progress" by John Gast. Based on specific details that you observe in the painting, what do you think is most likely the author's perspective on Westward Expansion in the United States?

Next, you will log into to research the following:

1. Define Manifest Destiny
2. Cite at least one example of Manifest Destiny taking place in U.S. history.